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Showing posts from January, 2016

Slimming World: Week 5 Weigh in

This week was a real tough week for me. I felt unmotivated and was contemplating giving up more than one in the week. Nothing appealed to me this week more than junk food and i was snacking more than i was eating a proper meal - which was frustrating. I would tell myself each day that this was my treat day and that tomorrow would be better - but instead of lasting one day this lasted the whole week. I went out for dinner and drinks with work the night before weigh day - so i kinda thought all week that this would ruin it anyway so i may as well not try. After talking with my friend that i go with,  i felt a lot better. I was telling her how i was thinking of giving up and feeling crap cause of how bad i ate and she gave me some great advice - she told me there was no point in feeling guilty for hours after eating something that was junk because there was nothing that i could change after that. So we have both decided that we should draw a line in the side this week and...

Question a Day - 5 Year Journal

In my old age I have become more and more sentimental about remembering things that I done in past years – I love Facebook's ‘On this day’ and ‘Time Hop’ I love that they can show you what you were doing in years past and places that you checked in. I love how it takes you right back to that time and how you were feeling at that point in my life – even if there are things I would rather have forgotten about. So before the New Year I bought myself thins Question and Day Book – 5 Year Journal. This journal asks you the same question for 5 years and you answer if over and over again until its been filled up. The reason I like this is just with Time Hop etc. you can see exactly how you were feeling that day or what you were doing as well. Also because you are answering it over and over again you can see how your opinion of certain situations or answers change over time. Another reason I love this is that I have such a bad memory when it comes to things I’ve done, I forg...

Slimming World - Week 4 Weigh In

Another weigh in done! And I am so proud of myself this week because I lost 3lbs ! I felt this week was a bit of a challenge and didn’t think I was going to lose a pound never mind 3! I went out of dinner and didn’t pick good ‘diet’ choice foods – however, I do believe that everyone deserves a treat and there is no point in being skinny and miserable. You should be able to go out and enjoy yourself and have a little treat every now and then. However my down fall before was my treats were everyday not once a week. Its crazy how substituting unhealthy and fatty foods for ones that are Syn Free makes you feel. I feel so much better about myself and don’t dread getting dressed everyday because I look fat in everything. I actually put on a pair on jeans the other day and said to my parents how good I felt in them – jeans are my worst enemy, I can never get a pair that sits right on me. They always slid down and I do nothing but pull them up and day, but I put these ones on and actu...

Joining Slimming World!

So on the 29 th of December I plucked up the courage to go and join my first Slimming World Class. I joined for many reasons but the main reason was the recommendations I was getting from my friends that went – one of my best friends joined a few weeks before me and has lost half a stone in 3 weeks! I just couldn’t say no to weight loss like that! Actually going and joining that Tuesday night was a daunting feeling and I had a sick feeling in my stomach as I walked up the Football Stadium it is held at. I have never really weighed myself as I didn’t want to know exactly how big I was and was terrified they would tell me exactly what I knew deep down. But I decided it would be worth it in the end when I got to target weight. Even though I was terrified to stand on the scales and for someone else knowing what I weighed as well! And at that moment I vowed to myself never to let my weight get this out of hand ever again. Two weeks have passed since I joined and I’ve had two w...